
Jus de Fruits Caraïbes launches connected packaging for good

French West Indies fruit juice company, Jus de Fruits Caraïbes, has partnered with creative technology studio Appetite Creative and world leading food processing and packaging company Tetra Pak, to build a fun and interactive connected packaging experience which raises awareness about its sustainability credentials and gives back to the local community. The smart packaging campaign, [...]

PACK EXPO Las Vegas: SEA Vision to exhibit three of its main technologies for pharmaceutical production control

Pack Expo Las Vegas is one of the most significant events for the packaging and processing industry in the US, and SEA Vision is once again proud to be part of this important event, which will be taking place from September 11 to 13 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. At booth number 6901, SEA [...]

Kongsberg iPC integration with CalderaRIP simplifies file prep and production automation

Automating print and cut workflows just became much simpler now. Automating print and cut workflows just became much simpler, as the latest Kongsberg iPC (i-cut Production Console) now integrates with CalderaRIP’s GrandCutServer software, supporting the Kongsberg JDF export and QR code functionality. Simpler automating print and cut workflows The recently unveiled version 2.6 of Kongsberg’s [...]

Cómo implementar una estrategia de precios en 3 pasos

Una estrategia de precios es un imprescindible para los comercios, ya sea porque van a lanzar un nuevo producto o porque quieren tener conocimiento sobre la opinión de los clientes acerca de lo que venden. Además de monitorizar los precios de la competencia, contar con un repricer software puede ser de gran ayuda. No hay [...]

Esko launches essential toolkit for retailers in response to latest consumer trends

Esko has announced it is responding to the latest retailing trends by launching the ‘Essential Toolkit for Retailers: from Consumer Insights to Product Launches’, a free online resource that outlines how retailers can improve packaging and marketing asset management to target consumers through an integrated omnichannel marketing strategy. Over 60 per cent of consumers are [...]

Esko aporta innovación y valor añadido con la actualización del Software 20.1

Esko ha desvelado un gran conjunto de nuevas y galardonadas innovaciones para su plataforma integrada Esko Software 20.1, junto con nuevas soluciones en hardware desarrolladas para proporcionar funciones aún mejores con un valor sobresaliente para los clientes de packaging, etiquetas y gran formato. “Como empresa tecnológica, estamos desarrollando incesantemente soluciones para servir mejor a nuestros mercados y [...]